Ocean Jasper or The Stone of The Seas

Orbicular Ocean Jasper is rare and highly collectible, found only along the Northwest coast of Madagascar at the edge of the ocean. As the deposits are part of the shoreline they can only be seen and mined at low tide. With no roads in this remote area, material must be removed and transported by boat.
Ocean Jasper is also called Sea Jasper, both are a spherulitic variety of Chalcedony, micro-crystallized Quartz colored by oxides, iron and other impurities, with Quartz and Feldspar forming the spherical (orbicular) structures.

Rough Ocean Jasper

Spiritually :  It is a spiritual reminder of how our thoughts, words, and actions affect the world and those around us, and that we can manifest a happy, joyful life by intentionally projecting good into the reality around us. This stone’s energies are particularly conducive to meditation and centering.

Tumbled Ocean Jasper

Subconsciouslly: Ocean Jasper brings to the surface long-hidden and unresolved emotional issues and uses its gentle nurturing energies to bring healing. It encourages being honest with oneself when confronting problems and accepting responsibility for one’s actions. Over time it inspires patience, self-love and empathy for others, and creates a more hopeful attitude toward the future.

Polished Slab of Ocean Jasper.

Mentally: This stone encourages service, helps accept responsibility, and instills patience. It stimulates the fantasy and helps transformideas into reality.

Obicular Jasper

Physically : Ocean Jasper is considered highly restorative for tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and useful in draining the lymph system of toxins that cause body odor and flatulence. It is thought to help stabilize nutritional absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially in balancing sodium and iodine levels and relieving water retention.

Ocean Jasper Palm Stones.

Application : Jasper must be brought in contact with the skin or applied.

Ocean Jasper Durse Carved Crystal Skulls Sculpture

Affirmation:  I focus my energy on the present moment and express myself with joyfulness and love. ❤


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook by Michael Gienger

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