Kambaba Jasper or the Nourishing Stone

Kambaba Jasper is one of the more exotic Jaspers, a rare orbicular variety from Madagascar and South Africa. In its depths one can literally glimpse the origins of life on our planet and touch a tangible form of the primordial ooze that nurtured our atmosphere and advanced the creation of all living things. A sedimentary stone, Kambaba Jasper is comprised of microcrystalline Quartz interlaced with Stromatolites, ancient fossilized colonies created by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and other primeval microorganisms. These Stromatolites date back more than three billion years and are the oldest known fossils, containing the earliest records of life on Earth.

Rough Kambaba Jasper

Spiritually : It is a stone of spiritual confidence, drawing upon the wisdom of ancestral energies held within its crystal layers to align the inner peace inherent in one’s nature. It encourages happiness and activates the ability to attract prosperity and abundance to one’s life. 

Polished Kambaba Jasper also known as Galaxy Jasper

Subconsciouslly : A stone of nurturing energies, Kambaba Jasper provides strength for those who are broken-hearted by love, rejection or sudden abandonment, to find their way out of emotional despair and in facing issues that must be resolved. 

Mentally : . It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment.

Carving done out of Kambaba Jasper.

Physically : Kambaba Jasper aids the body in areas of essential growth and renewal, boosting the immune system, cellular growth and DNA, and supports the digestive system and assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

Application : Jasper water is particularly useful as a gem elixir because it does not over stimulate the body.
Kambaba Jasper provides a warm, harmonious energy for meditation and is particularly empowering when touched or held in the palm of the hand.

Tumbled Kambaba Jasper

Affiramtion: I am calm, centered, grounded and one with the Earth’s energy. ❤



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